Thursday, September 25, 2008

Packing to go - countdown

Only 5 days to go, I am really looking forward to going back to Australia but not looking forward to leaving France!!!! I think if the weather here was awful, cold and raining I would find it easier to leave but its not, the weather is amazing, very warm and very sunny. The garden is looking superb thanks to our son in law Steve as he sharpened the tractor mower blades and took on the tasl of mowing the 'park' to bowling green perfection (slight exaggeration, but non the less, it looks most impressive).
No blog can go without a mole score and here it is Terry has now got the grand total of 4 moles
( he said 6!), all of which he has posed in different positions on the window sill for photographs, sad bugger, they all look the same to me. The last two moles have been killed in the last week after a couple of moleless months, has he lost his touch we ask, but no the moles were on the attack and become very illusive, undaunted, Terry and Steve out moled them and filled the holes with water!!
Sorry boring........
We had a fabulous 2 weeks with Kaliska, Steve, Ella, Chloe and Owen, an experience I don't think they will forget in hurry their French holiday.
Yes, the packing up has started but also a week on our own to socialise with some of the friends we have made in the area, to say good bye and wish them luck for the Winter, sorry had to get that in as we are looking forward to going back to the sunshine.

1 comment:

Happy Wanderers said...

Hi Carol and Terry
Great to catch up with all your news and photos (even of Terry's eye?). Glad it's better. Congrats on new bub and 35th anniversary!!
We'll also be packing up soon. See you in W.A.
Kath and Annie
