Thursday, October 11, 2007

Paris Oct 6th 2007

Well we have finally made it, currently we are sitting in Gare Montpanasse waiting for our TGV train to take us to Agen. We had really good flights over, the second and longest flight was on a very swish new Singapore Airlines plane 777 (if you are interested). We were particularly impressed at the multimedia set up, one could even do word documents, spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations, using your own memory stick and the usb port. Anyway journey was fine and with the aid of one sleeping tablet, I personally was quite oblivious of the journey and probably slept for at least 6 hours.
We arrived at Charles De Gaulle airport the idea was to get a train to our station at Montpanasse and we had researched exactly how to get there including zooming the map to such a size that us two old fogges could actually read it. We ended up getting a coach to the Gare Montpanasse so in the end it was quite easy and organised. We arrived in Paris at about 8am and our train is at 11.30 hence sitting here and starting the blog.
Paris is so beautiful, sorry those UK friends reading this but I really do believe Paris is far superior to London for its buildings and views. Its a shame we only have these few hours now to admire it but on the way back we will be staying overnight. The sun is shinning and we are looking out the window drinking our first Cafe au lait (which incidentally was crap, in my opinion, but Terry enjoyed his as he is soaking up the Francais ambiance and telling me how to spell all these long words!!)

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