Sunday, July 29, 2007

Last few days

Sorry for not entering an update to blog for so long, but as planned we have been very busy with friends and family sharing a bit of SW France paradise. It has been an amazing few weeks with different activities including eating, yabbie fishing in our pond (each visitor has attempted but good old Brian actually got the yabbies from the pond to the table) a bit like prawn, see picture. So the attempts of yabbie fishing has been entertaining and possibly not to be repeated too often as we have had a ‘global warming’ year with lots of rain, thank goodness the last two weeks have been typical French hot weather, but back to the pond, it is not normal for it still to have water in it this time of year, not sure what happens to all the wild life that inhabits it but I have a strong feeling they will return!! Now, where was I? The list of activities, did I say eating? We have visited numerous markets and also as SW French villages come to life July and August we have been to a number of evening fetes, which usually entails eating the local produce meeting people chatting and drinking, very pleasant way of spending a few hours. The bonus of course the sun still shines until about 9pm and doesn’t really get dark until 10pm. We have discovered a fabulous walk, it is about 1.50mins along the old railway line from SOS to Mezin, which meanders through the countryside, certainly worth a repeat walk or cycle ride, Terry and I are even talking about walking to Mezin , having lunch then walking back, probably our next visit in October.
This week we went to Biarritz which was quite stunning and has been relegated to our list of places to go for a week end. Obviously due to the French holidays those sort of places are pretty well packed with tourists so we will probably go a different time of year.
Well we are in the run down to leaving (in fact in two days) it will be so hard for us as we have really enjoyed ourselves and have already started imprinting our stamp on the French way of life, we have meet a number of interesting local people, French and English and feel that we will have some firm friends for our future visits to France. Our main impression is that people are so helpful and friendly, although I think we were pretty helpless at times with the language barriers and people were there for us. Another memorable evening was after receiving a personal invitation by our Marie to attend the village Bastille Evening, what a fantastic evening meeting alot of new people and tasting the local food and wine followed by a display of fireworks. There will be many more of these occasions I am sure but already we are feeling sad about leaving this way of life. However, we have got lots to look forward to, seeing the children and the grandchildren and little Chloe who was born two weeks before we left. All I can say is we are very fortunate to have such a diversity of ways of spending our time, so would like to thank all of those you who have enjoyed or maybe just read the blog due to loyalty or some perverse reason that you have nothing better to do, also to thank our friends and family who have come to see us and enjoy their time with us. Also a big thank you to Gavin and Natasha, who have been so supportive of us and our affairs whilst we have been enjoying our time at Capet. Watch this space, we return in October we hope!! B y the way we are almost speaking French like the natives ha ha ha

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