Thursday, May 22, 2014

First Blog from France 2014

2014 Arrived in France

As usual we was greeted by the sound of the cookoo in the garden, it’s a wonderful sound and a sense of homecoming.

But first, we left Australia earlier this year, much to the disgust of the children but we went on a cruise up the Mekong River from Vietnam to Cambodia, what an experience it was!  The highlights of the holiday for me was the photographic opportunities, the amazing food and the fact that the tour company we had booked with donates a great deal of financial support to local villages along the Mekong, enabling many children to attend schools and supports the manufacturing of local products in their villages, including silks, mats, fish oil and bricks (!) yes we visited a local brick works.  The work ethic of these people was evident everywhere we went, due to the fact that our tour company sponsored so many villages we were privileged to visit the villages and places where most tourists would not be able to go, even in their own homes.

In Cambodia we visited the temples of Siem Riep including those that had featured in Temples of Doom and Lara Croft.

End of travel blog, sorry about that.

Now to France, we arrived to great manicured lawns thanks to Diane and Philippe, we really appreciate the work they put into the garden and the house while we are in Australia.  As usual we had to deal with the fact that we live in the country and the house is empty for 6 months, inside the kitchen on the backdoor there was about 100 flies trying to get out (Diane said she had cleaned up about 100 a couple of days before!), great start, so before we could even put our suitcases down I was cleaning up the flies, this continued for another couple of weeks, such a strange phenomenon that no one seems to have an answer for.

Nature continued to invade our peace, or my peace, Terry was straight out in the garden the day after we arrived setting up explosives for the moles.  So far the count is  Terry 2      -     Moles 0 but the war continues.

Terry has also had to repair some fences to prevent the wild boar and deer returning to the garden, at the moment we have alot of poo on the roof of the house, at first we thought it was a fox but after local consultation it might be a pole cat that gets in the roof during the day but roams at night, so the plan of action is waiting until the pole cat goes out about 10.30 (when it gets dark, yes, it doesn’t get dark until about 10.15 which is wonderful) back to the plan, Terry will then fill the holes with chicken wire to prevent it returning to our roof space, this worked when we had the problem a few years ago, so watch this space.

The other drama is that the UK have moved their satellite so we can’t get Free to air English television (my biggest drama I must say), hopefully by tomorrow this will be rectified, we had to order a bigger dish and various other components from the UK, which as usual was not without its own drama!  Ie the English company sending 19 metres of cable instead of the ordered 25 metres but thanks to a friend and some wheeling and dealing problem rectified. I hope.

Not sure if I should mention the weather, it has been terrible, very cold and wet up to the last few days when we have had the expected sunshine and warmth but checking the forecast we are due to get rain over the next couple of days!!  Last night we had the strongest wind storm through the garden, even moving the old oak tree, we are now without telephone and internet, technician has just fixed the problem, apparently our neighbours tree had damaged the line!

We “popped” back to the UK for five days in amongst all this for Terry to visit his parents, as his poor Mum has had a short spell in hospital while we was in Cambodia, but ever resilient she is back in the dementia home. 

We have had opportunities to catch up with our English, Dutch and French friends which as usual entails lots of eating and drinking!  So an exercise regime must follow soon.   We even had a meet up in the village hall with our new Marie, (Mayor) very nice man, an ex commissioner of police, which might be handy, unfortunately he doesnot speak any English although his beau souer (sister in law) is English so that should be useful!  Wonder what her number is?

Got to go now and pick the cherries off the two trees before the birds get them, it is always a battle who gets there first but I have been checking at least twice a day if they are ready and today is the day.  

Pick the Budist Monk!

On Streets of Cambodia

 Ancient Angkor - Late 12th to 13th century temple

Problem with the telephone at Capet

The new dish that doesn't know which way to point!
