Saturday, June 26, 2010

June Blog

We left Australia almost 5 weeks ago and what can I say except busy busy busy. Before I go into the ins and outs of our busy few weeks, I thought I should mention the snakes in the garden.
Sorry Gill you might not want to read this bit. Terry and I were sitting outside the house having a light Beveridge at least I was, Terry was drinking his usual tipple G & T, sorry back to the snakes. We suddenly heard a banging sound coming from the conservatory roof and to our amazement there were two snakes intertwined hanging from the roof guttering in a loop. Next thing they dropped to the floor, I ran round to the back of the house to get my camera and Steve Irwin ran straight towards the snakes!! One went straight up the garden and the other straight into the house and into the kitchen. Mon du I exclaimed....after frantic searches by Steve sorry Terry out he walks with 1 metre long snake, holding it by its tail. We were telling a friend about the incident and he said don’t worry it was a grass snake and not poisonous it is the little ones you have got to worry about. Yes, you have got there before me, a few days later Terry calls me out to show me another short snake hanging from Terry’s hand by its tail and trying very hard to take a bite from his hand!!!
We have been back to the UK for my Uncle Peter’s 70th birthday party and caught up with my side of the family cousins, uncles and aunts, it was a beautiful evening and everyone had a great time. Naturally I took full advantage of the fact that I was in the UK and the Australian dollar being so strong against the sterling and as they say I shopped until I dropped from Marks and Spencers to Tescos, so we are stocked up with everything from underwear to toilet rolls.
We returned to some pretty wet weather in France, not in the area where the floods were but a couple more days of rain we might have needed a boat. The last two weeks have been exceptional weather very sunny and hot, so no complaints there. People cant believe how Terry is working outside in the heat, ie pruning the willow tree over the pond, spraying the new terrace with termite treatment, digging up roots in the garden, digging up huge great boulders all in 36 degrees of heat, I have to remind that il est Australian and slightly mad.
We had a lovely day out last Sunday we went to a beautiful old hamlet call Auiex pronounced Erx the villagers had been renovating an 11th century church, so we went up to see it and joined in for repas (lunch) consisting of roast port slices, frites, brie and a slice of apple tarte. We had a ball, the only English speaking people there and everyone was very friendly and with many gesticulations and our pidgin French we managed to have a conversation. Then the owner of the local winery brought out a 47 yr old brandy and poured everyone a measure in our white plastic glasses. As most of you know I don’t really partake in alcohol but could not pass up on this rare treat, well I am not sure how I got back to the car and had to go home and have a lay down!!!
The night markets have started in SW France, we went to our first one last night, it is an evening of eating and drinking in the village square where there are a number stalls selling local produce, clothes, knick knacks and some childrens’ merry go rounds and bouncy castles. It is a good excuse to socialise with people as we eat on long trestle tables, last night we both had the local produce of breast of duck and frites. Actually we are going to another one tonight where paella is served, with a number of brass bands as entertainment then we walk round the village with torches to drive out the bad spirits for the year I think. No language problems tonight a crowd of us are going and would you believe all Australian!!
I am sure there are lots of things I am forgetting to include in this blog but it gets harder and harder to remember, must start writing it down me thinks.

Photos for June Blog

Outside Church Boot Sale
70th Birthday Party Bartholomew cousins
Terry and his Dad in UK
Terry and Carol at party
The Snake

Inside the 11th C church
Outside the church
Inside the church
Terry the chef at the party
Our garden at Capet
Aubergines gone to seed used as flower decorations
