Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chicken Saga Update

Quick update as I have some concerned readers about the chicken...
Terry got up to make the tea this morning and saw it sitting in the rhubarb, so it was interesting watching him run round naked trying to catch it, which he did.

Forgot to mention the funny story when collecting the chickens, Terry asked the person we bought them off "What are they called?" and the reply was "They haven't got names you came name anything you like!" in case you didn't realise Terry wanted to know what TYPE they were ... Rhode Island Reds as it happens.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Photos of Cinque Terra

Back at Capet

Didn't continue with my last post as quickly as I would have liked, but here has been a couple dramas since my last blog. My mum was admitted into hospital with pneumonia and had another heart attack so we decided to cut short our stay with Helene and Dudley at Lake Geneva as I felt I needed to be close to my Australian passport, thankfully she is doing OK now and staying with Gill my sister for the time being. The other drama has been our car which may have a gear box problem, yet to be decided.

Back at Capet and had some unexpected visitors to stay for a couple of nights, one of my bookclub members and her husband, we had a great few days, picking figs and making some delicious fig jam ... thanks Jill. Life back in Capet has got back to 'normal' with Terry pottering and me reading and generally being lazy. He has finally finished the barn doors for the woodshed, he started them when we arrived in June and now they are 99% completed. The garden is looking glorious as we are now slowly going into Autumn which is evident by the falling leaves and the trees taking on an orange tinge and the winter crocus. This year has been a particularly good year in our neck of the woods for fruit and vegetables, we currently have a prolific fig tree, apples trees and pear trees, so I have been making jams and pickles, each time we go to our Sunday market we generally bump into some friends who are very quick to off load some of their culinary efforts in the shape of jam, it has become a great battering item. Also our vegetable garden has been amazing this year with tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes (or should I say marrows) along with French beans (of course), lettuces, aubergines, peppers and carrots, almost self sufficient. Talking of which we have just picked up three chickens on loan four weeks, for the grandchildren later this month, well tonight is the first night and as it is getting dark Terry decided to go out and lock them away and low and behold they were missing until we saw them up in the tree, well two of them that is, we have hunted high and low for the third one but no sign of it, hopefully it will appear tomorrow!!!!

Terry has now got bought his long conveted tractor complete with mowing attachment and carrying box, trouble is once the lawn is mowed there's not much he can do with it, oh sorry forgot he mowed the grass verges today along our lane leading to the house, the local marie will be pleased!!!

Well thats us..happy and enjoying ourselves in France.

A bientot
