Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Photos from Heatwave Blog below

French Heat Wave Arrived

For those of you in the southern hemisphere you may not want to know this but for everyone who has been sweltering in the non typical heatwave .... the weather has been fantastic. We certainly enjoying it as this is one of the reasons we decided to take on this adventure, to have perpetual summers. This is our third summer in France and it is definitely the hottest so far, long may it reign (I did say reign and not rain!!). We were looking forward to a relaxing time in France but as usual it has been full on, not that we are complaining but some of the planned (mine particularly) activities, an online course, reading and keeping fit have ALL been put on the back boiler. However, we are really enjoying ourselves, doing other ‘unplanned’ things that include weekly French lessons (I am not sure when it will sink in), visiting new villages, getting a new clutch on car (sorry shouldn’t be in the enjoying ourselves category) and Terry has been doing his usual pottering. This has included changing the position of the hammock to hang next to the pond, incidentally when I tried it out for height the thing collapsed and I nearly feel into the pond, then I was told it was only temporary and he needed me to test it before he secured it. Another job has been finding any big bushes that can be cut down or should I say pruned so that we can continue the Capet tradition of a continual bonfire. Then there is the job of building a deck around the front of the pool, poor man he was merrily building the base using all his new tools until I came along and said that I did not want the deck to be an old door that he had found, so that decision caused yet another trip into our ‘local’ building/wood supplies cum Bunnings cum B & Q which is about 40 mins away, I think the car knows its own way now.

Terry’s Dad arrived yesterday on probably the hottest day ever, but he is bearing up well and at 83 that’s no mean feat, although I was just listening to a conversation he and Terry are having in the garden discussing whether Terry should buy a bolt next time he goes to his ‘local’ building supplier and Dad is saying ‘no I don’t think you should buy a boat” probably because the pond is a bit small!!

At the week end we went to our first night fete, which as it happened was a paella night, we went with some friends from Perth (who live nearby in France) and had a ball, there was the customary ‘oopla’ brass band and a live group, then at midnight we joined a procession of children and adults through the streets of the little village carrying lamps with small tee lights, following the brass band and the man at the front who was lighting fireworks and leaving flames of different colours for everyone to follow. Between the children with their lanterns that had set alight and hitting the people in front on the head and the fireworks that still had flames bellowing from them where we were walking ... Occupational Health and Safety would have had a field day and probably closed the place down!!

MOLE COUNT..... Terry 1 possibly 3 but due to no evidence they don’t count, so probably Terry 1 Moles 2!

Forgot to mention the devastation called by La Tempest in April this year There were alot of trees in our area that was flattened or just snapped off by the storm, it has been likened to the storm in the UK in 1987, Ste Maure was badly hit and lucky for us only two trees down in our garden.

That’s all for now folks, au avoir bonne apre midi etc etc......
