Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2009 Leaving Australia

Sorrento Beach

Where has the last 8 months gone, we are on countdown for the 12th May, ready for another adventure in the Northern Hemisphere. What are we going to miss when we go other than the obvious family and friends and the grandchildren. We will miss being here when the Day light saving referendum takes place, this country is unbelievable and back in the dark ages literally, luckily alot of young people and young people with families have seen the light and are voting for daylight saving unfortunately there are still some Dinosaurs who thinks their curtains will fade and the cows will be confused. As for us we have already put in our votes and pray that Western Australia will come into the 21st century and think of others rather than themselves. (I will step off my soap box now - sorry). What else will be miss, not the sunshine as we are going into Winter, well Australia's version of winter which really amounts to bright days and a bit of rain, I must say no one seems to possess a coat, hat, scarves or gloves so not bad really. This is web address for my photos from a three day trek I completed a couple of weeks ago, the Australian bush is stunning. (cut and paste this into your search engine) when on the page it takes a couple of seconds for the images to download
I look forward to keeping everyone up to date with our adventures over the next months, I hope you enjoy my rantings.
