Sunday, December 2, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

Gavin and Tina (Our eldest son and his girlfriend Dec 07)
Carol and Helene at Warpole
Ella and Chloe (our grand daughters)

Owen (our grandson)

Kaliska and Chloe Dec 07 Our daughter & grandchild

Well this is a bit different from my usual newsletter. I was very undecided as to whether I would write a newsletter this year for a couple of reasons, one is that I have been 'blogging' all year and really would not want to repeat myself and secondly; you know the program grumpy old men? Well the last Christmas special one of them was saying how boring the Christmas newsletter is, so for fear of being boring I will post some pictures of the family and wish everyone a Fantastic Christmas and unbelievable 2008. Heres hoping your stocking is full of presents and your home filled with love and laughter this Christmas. From our home to yours Terry and I send love and Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year Terry and Carol x

PS Sorry there are only a few photos as I take some more I will post on the blog
