Monday, September 17, 2007

Count down for October 2007 Visit

Although we have only been back from France for two months, we are really getting excited for our return trip on 5th October. It has been a busy two months with work, family and friends, this trip to France should be far more restful although beginning to fill our four week calender with visits from friends and family, also our St Maure social calender is filling with local engagements. We are hoping to get another bicycle on this trip at least we should be able to burn off some of the great food and wine.

Contact Details in France 2007

To contact us:

French Mobile: 0623787154

From Australia: 001133 623787154 (updated June 07)

From France: 0623787154

Our UK Mobile: 0791007918

From Australia: 001144 79 100 7918

